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BIM and HVAC Estimating Software
BIM -Building Information Modeling Is a computer aided process for developing building data during the construction design and building life cycle. BIM software contains elements of a building design as individual objects that include the geometry and attributes in the building design. BIM software design tools provide the ability to extract many different views of an object in a building model that may be relevant for other uses in the drawing process or downstream construction process.
BIM software deploys three dimensional real time modeling software tools to increase productivity in building design and construction. Most BIM software includes detailed attributes of the building geometry, spatial relationships of objects, object quantities, object properties and building components which eliminate uncertainty about detailed elements of the building design during the construction phase.
BIM software provides a "parametric definition" which describes each object and relationship of each object to other objects, as one object is changed other objects will change as well. The connectivity of objects insures that the integrity of the building design is not corrupted as changes are made.
To learn more about BIM and MEP Software contact Autodesk, a leading provider of software in this field. Wendes Systems is working closely with BIM software providers to integrate HVAC Sheet and Mechanical estimating with BIM and MEP software in order to produce better results.
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